Combination Baths

Combination Baths


The oil and water quench baths are combined within a single housing and separated by a sheet metal wall in the Q 200 D, Q 400 D and Q 600 D combination baths. The oil quench bath is slightly preheated by the heated water bath. A splash pan is installed in front of the combination bath. Charging aids are available as additional equipment. The Q 200 D combination bath comes with a charge carrier, for models Q 400 D and Q 600 D must be ordered extra. For greater quenchant performance, the baths can be equipped with oil coolers.
Article no. Bath Inner dimensions in mm Outer dimensions in mm Volume in l max. load
    w d h W D H Oil/water weight in kg
101300100 Q 200 D 380 340 400 1200 650 900 180/180 20
101300200 Q 400 D 480 480 330 1750 870 900 400/300 40
101300300 Q 600 D 580 580 330 2100 970 900 585/400 60


Charging aid Total height Max. load weight Compressed air Connected Electrical
manual + electric in mm in kg in bar load kW connection
Q 200 D 1800 20 6 - 9 - -
Q 400 D 2480 40 - 0.3 1-phase
Q 600 D 2480 60 - 0.3 1-phase


Oil cooler max. quenchant Connected Electrical
  performance in kg/h load kW connection
Q 200 D approx. 100 0.55 3-phase
Q 400 D approx. 200 2.20 3-phase
Q 600 D approx. 300 2.20 3-phase


Heating element Connected Supply
  load kW voltage*
Q 200 D 6 400 V
Q 400 D 9 400 V
Q 600 D 15 400 V
*Other supply voltages possi
e baths can be equipped with oil coolers.

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