Forced Convection Chamber Furnaces – Tabletop Design electrically heated

Forced Convection Chamber Furnaces – Tabletop Design electrically heated


These forced convection chamber furnaces are characterized by their extremely high temperature uniformity. Due to the compact tabletop design, this series is very well suited for installation in laboratories or rooms with limited space.

Applications include preheating of components for shrink-fit processes, heat treatment of metals in air such as aging, stress relieving, soft annealing or tempering, and heat treatment of glass.  


  • Tmax 650 °C or 850 °C
  • Horizontal air circulation with optimum distribution through stainless steel baffles
  • Dual shell housing made of textured stainless steel sheets with additional fan cooling for low surface temperature
  • Integrated control unit
  • Swing door hinged on the right side,  door opening temperatures up to 400 °C
  • Temperature uniformity up to +/−  6 °C according to DIN 17052-1 (model NAT 15/65 up to +/−  5 °C)
  • Optimum air distribution enabled by high flow speeds
  • Air inlet in the rear wall of the furnace
  • Adjustable exhaust port in the furnace ceiling (not for model NAT 15/65)
  • 15 mm port in the furnace ceiling (not for model NAT 15/65)
  • Over-temperature limiter with adjustable cutout temperature as temperature limiter to protect the furnace and load
  • Exclusive use of insulation materials without categorization according to EC Regulation No 1272/2008 (CLP). This explicitly means that alumino silicate wool, also known as “refractory ceramic fiber” (RCF), which is classified and possibly carcinogenic, is not used.
  • Defined application within the constraints of the operating instructions
  • Controller with touch operation B500/B510 (5 programs with 4 segments each)
  • NTLog Basic for Nabertherm controller: recording of process data with USB-flash drive
  • Freeware NTEdit for convenient program input via ExcelTM for WindowsTM on the PC
  • Freeware NTGraph for evaluation and documention of firings using ExcelTM for WindowsTM on the PC
  • MyNabertherm App for online monitoring of the firing on mobile devices for free download

Additional equipment (not for NAT 15/65)

  • Base frame 
  • Charging racks for loading on several levels
  • Equipment package with batch control and process control and documentation via VCD software package
Model Tmax Inner dimensions in mm Volume Outer dimensionsin mm Heating Electrical Weight Heat-up time3
          power     to Tmax
  °C w d h in l W D H in kW2 connection in kg in minutes
NAT 15/65 650 295 340 170 15 470 790 460 2,8 1-phase 60 40
NAT 30/65 650 320 320 300 30 810 620 620 3,0 1-phase 90 80
NAT 60/65 650 400 400 400 60 890 700 720 3,0 1-phase 110 100
NAT 15/85 850 320 320 150 15 690 880 570 3,0 1-phase 85 190
NAT 30/85 850 320 320 300 30 690 880 720 3,0 1-phase 100 230
NAT 50/85 850 400 320 400 50 770 880 820 4,5 3-phase 130 230
1External dimensions vary when furnace is equipped with additional equipment. Dimensions on request. 
2Depending on furnace design connected load might be higher
3Approx. information in empty furnace


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